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Discover how to market and monetize your book






Joris van Leeuwen

Opening Session with Joris van Leeuwen 



Joris van Leeuwen

Book Marketing One-On-One

In this session, Joris will walk you through the basics of book marketing. 


Derek Doepker

How to Leverage Audiobooks to Extend Your Marketing Reach  

In this expert session, Derek shares why it is a no-brainer to invest time and energy in an audiobook, to make more sales of your Kindle or physical versions. He even gives a quick masterclass on mics and how to set up a home studio.


Matt Stone

How to Model Bestselling Covers In Your Niche Without Crossing the Line 

In this expert session, Matt gives a live demonstration on Amazon pages showing how to spot trends that are selling and then ethically mimic them with your book. We also spend some time discussing A+ content, to make your Amazon Book page look like that of a professional publishing house.  


Tony DiLorenzo 

How Podcasting Can Help You Build an Audience 

Tony and his wife run one of the best podcasts out there with thousands of listeners world wide. They are both authors too so there is no better person to tell you about the strength of podcasting. Plus he gives a lot of other great tips for book marketing. 


​Stewart Townsend 

How to Get Invited to Hundreds of Podcasts 

In this session Stewart will show you how one amazing program get you a spot on hundreds of podcasts. 


Alinka Rutkowska 

Using Your Book The Right Way Will Increase Your Income Exponentially 

In this expert session, Alinka shares how to create and position your book in such away that it flips the script and markets you, instead of you marketing your book. Near the end of this session, we veered off on a tangent when she shared how she handed out 8 microbooks at a live event, and made six figures. You can do that too. 


Paul Brodie 

Story Branding Your Marketing and Business 

In this expert session, Paul shares how to take your own unique story, and build your business around it while helping others. Your story can motivate others to success (and you in the process).  


Evan Gow 

How to Build Your Email List Fast 

Learn how to build your email list fast and work with other authors to grow your audience. 


Joris van Leeuwen 

Bonus Section About Creating a Stunning Website Without Robbing The Bank or Having a Lot of Knowledge About Technology  



Michal Stawicki 

Tips And Tricks For Amazon Ads 

In this session Amazon ads expert Michal Stawicki will walk you through on how to set up Amazon ads and give you tips and tricks. 

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Matt McWilliams 

How to Sell 10,000 Books without Expensive Ads or Promotion Gimmicks 

In this expert session, Matt shares how he took his most successful book launches (think Jeff Goins and Ray Edwards) and applied them to his own book launch this past Janaury and crushed it! 

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Ben Cummings 

How Funnels And Branding Can Help You Grow Your Audience And How You Can Automate Things 

How do funnels work? How can you automate things so you can spend time doing what you love: write more books? In this session, Ben will show you just that.


Philip Duncan 

Book Marketing Made Easy With Email 

In this expert session, we talk all about getting started with email for authors. Philip runs a workshop to jumpstart email lists for authors, so he has all the data to know what works and what doesn't. He started from scratch just a couple of years ago, and you can too! 


A.P. Beswick 

Becoming a Bestseller Using TikTok 

You know you need to use TikTok nowadays, right? If not, let A. P Beswick tell you why and how he found success as an author using nothing else but this amazing platform! 


Kris Safarova 

Trust-based Marketing: Introducing Trust in the Relationship with your Reader 

In this expert session, Kris shares how she has built two major businesses on the back of creating relationships with her clients. Sound hard? Well, it isn't hard when your heart is in the right place, and can be an incredible long term business asset. 


Marc Reklau 

From Zero to Hero - How to Put The 80-20 Rule to It's Max 

In this session, Marc will inspire you. Learn valuable lessons about publishing and marketing from this bestselling author. 


Susan Friedmann 

Marketing Riches in The Niches 

In this expert session, Susan shares her secrets to building a business from the niche up. When you start with the niche, it makes your business easier and allows you to knock it out of the park with those you serve. Don't miss this one! 


Ray Brehm 

​How to Build an Audience using virtual summits that will outperform most other marketing methods 

In this expert session, Ray shares how to build an audience using Virtual Summits, and create a long term marketing behemoth that will help you sell more books, connect with great partners and dramatically increase the income of your expertise.  


Joris van Leeuwen 

Bonus Section About How You Can Use Video to Promote Your Book or Business 



Ellen Finkelstein 

How to use Email Lists as the Foundation of your Book Marketing 

In this expert session, Ellen shares how she built her business to the point that her audience reads daily emails, with multiple offers and how she can promote any partner almost instantly. It is an amazing example of building an audience for your book, and beyond, then using that asset as your primary business tool. When you attend this session Ellen shares a free email training. 


Elise Krentzel 

Generating Sales Without Advertising on Amazon

What are the options if you don't want to advertise? Elise will tell you. 


Ray Brehm 

How to use The Amazon Funnel to Sell More Books, Get More Leads and Establish Your Brand 

In this expert session, Ray shares how he uses what he calls "Amazon Funnels" to incentivize book buyers, collect leads, and future clients all while increasing his sales ranking on Amazon. Don't miss this! 


Richard McCartney 

How Promo Sites Can Help You Sell Books 

How can promo sites help you sell books and what are the best sites to use? 


Eric Van Der Hope 

Your Marketing Starts The Moment You Decide To Write The Book 

In this expert session, Eric shares how to use all of your book prep time as marketing, and plan for a successful book launch from the start of your journey. This is one session you do not want to skip! 


These sessions will show you valuable resources that will help you to use your book to increase your impact and influence. The top people in the industry use and recommend these resources.



Once-In-A Lifetime Curated Speakers & Actionable Content

Never before seen book marketing strategies explained by the top leadership experts in the world (hand-picked just for this summit.)

You Don’t Even Need To Leave Your House — Attend From Your Computer, Phone or Tablet

​There’s no flight or hotel room to book… saving you thousands of dollars, unpaid work leave, and time away from your family.

World-Class Quality Content

This not your ordinary online event. We take pride in delivering you the absolute best content so that you can get great results, and become the book marketing expert you were meant to be.

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